[Coffee with Téa] Checking in, talking about idjits and mostly checking gear.

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[Coffee with Téa] Checking in, talking about idjits and mostly checking gear.

In this transcript, the speaker discusses their frustration with setting up their new studio and upgrading their equipment before going live for a stream. They express concern for people around the world who are facing difficult times due to the pandemic, particularly highlighting Australia as a country that is managing well. The speaker then shifts focus to the situation in the United States, expressing disbelief and concern over the possibility of civil war and referencing recent events in Michigan involving armed protestors. They criticize privileged individuals who are unable to empathize with the struggles faced by those heavily impacted by the lockdown, especially financially. The speaker contemplates discussing internet cults and their role in persuasion, as well as testing the sound and video quality for future podcasting plans. They mention considering a podcast that involves reading out selected content from previous works and express their intention to create a freelance course to help others navigate the market. The speaker also acknowledges being behind on some tasks but reassures that they will be completed. Lastly, they express their desire to rant about the current situation in America.