Wanna know how you get on a list? This is how you end up on a list.

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Wanna know how you get on a list? This is how you end up on a list.

In the transcript, the speaker begins by sharing a pro tip about using smart globes in soft boxes instead of spending money on new lights. They express astonishment at how some YouTubers with poor production values and negative content can still gain millions of views, contrasting that with their own approach of sharing their expertise and experience in a live stream. They discuss the challenges of carrying an hour-long live stream and being held to different standards as a non-American. The speaker also mentions their work on a book and the process of adding data and research to their ideas and outlines. They talk about the benefits of being an oversharing online for many years, as it allows them to have a diary-like collection of snippets and memories to use in their writing. They explain their preference for talking on camera and editing while they write and plan to try dictating their thoughts during a long drive. Realizing that stream of consciousness is crucial in writing. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that their goal is not to be a YouTuber, but to use the platform as a tool to develop their skills and share their knowledge.