[Clip] My thoughts on #karen and how fuckwits ruin jokes

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[Clip] My thoughts on #karen and how fuckwits ruin jokes

The Karen meme is a stereotype of middle-aged women who complain and ask to speak to the manager. It started out funny but became overused and nonsensical. However, both sides of the argument can be true. Gender politics can be frustrating because people are constantly forced to choose sides, when in reality, politics is about finding consensus and compromise. People need to understand that being a politician requires the ability to bring opposing views together and create policies that work for everyone. When it comes to the Karen meme, it can be both funny and dismissive of feminist ideas. People need to understand that both perspectives can coexist and there’s no need to attack someone for expressing their views. This is a problem with viral content and internet tribes in general – there will always be a small percentage of people who take things too far and ruin the joke. However, most people are reasonable and can have a laugh without causing harm.