Conversations at the shops. This is more interesting than it sounds.

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Conversations at the shops. This is more interesting than it sounds.

In this transcript, the speaker starts off by being frustrated with technical difficulties. They then proceed to talk about their interest in the coronavirus situation and the importance of engaging with people outside of social media bubbles. They describe their conversation with a man in his 60s, discussing how neoliberalism has affected Australia’s political culture. The speaker then recalls their trip to the shops, discussing the availability of supplies and their approach to shopping during the pandemic. The focus shifts back to their conversation with the man from the shop, who works near a Kimberly-Clark warehouse, revealing that the warehouse is full of toilet paper despite the shortage in stores. They also mention the purchasing practices of major grocery chains favoring certain local producers. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to regular people and recognizing the impact of neoliberalism and consumer practices.