I RTed Infowars… What the f*ck is going on? With Ben Pobjie

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I RTed Infowars… What the f*ck is going on? With Ben Pobjie

In this transcript, the speaker interviews Ben Babji about his new book, which showcases the stories of lesser-known bush rangers in Australia. The speaker highlights the importance of having a sense of humor about problematic people and argues that there’s no subject area that can’t be joked about, although they acknowledge that certain jokes can be bad or offensive. They also discuss the sensitivity of language and the issues that arise when trying too hard to be inclusive. The speaker brings up an example from Colorado State University where a policy was put in place regarding the language used to refer to disabled people, but they think it’s unnecessary and believes that most people understand the intentions behind the language used. The speaker makes a joke about someone having sex with a rolled roast beef as an example of how some people engage in unusual sexual activities, but the stigma is less than if someone’s sexual desires were considered “normal.” However, the transcript cuts off before the speaker can finish their thoughts.